
Sunday, December 5, 2010

The next generation

Who doesn't love a puppy?? My mom flew into town to pick up the newest addition to our family this past weekend. A grandson to her last dog, Jeffrey, this puppy has some big shoes to fill.  He still doesn't have a name so suggestions are welcome! At 10 weeks old he is already about double my dog Manly's massive size. Haha.  Despite his obvious disadvantage, Manly certainly threw his weight around and gave this little border collie a run for his money.  I'm sure that in a couple weeks when Manly and I trek to Denver, this little guy will be much bigger and will no longer squeeze into the travel bag he had to go in to fly to his new home.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Last Saturday evening, some friends of mine and I braved the cold to enjoy Luminocity's Hinterland.  We started at the Rialto Theater, and gleefully ran through the streets of downtown Atlanta all the way to the Georgia Aquarium while following dancers, drummers, stilt walkers, fire-eaters, and Outkast's very own Big Boi. When I say "gleefully ran" I do mean that phrase literally!! Sometimes it was walking or standing while full of glee, but this event was so much fun we couldn't help but smile the entire time. Even when the crowd was so big you couldn't find or get to the main focus of dancers, you would be hard pressed not to run into a single dancer gliding through the crowd or a stilt walker ready to take a picture. The drummers or the music could be heard throughout downtown and kept the crowd moving. My poor camera had a hard time figuring out what to focus on as I was basically aiming into the dark towards glow sticks, but I managed to capture a little of the night.  I'm definitely looking forward to their next event! For more pictures check out my website under "Latest & Greatest."
Big Boi

As you can see, there were a few people roaming the streets...and dancers were "off the wall!"

We couldn't help ourselves...inspired to dance and ooze through the streets...LOL!

Scarves :)

I think that my favorite cold weather accessory is the scarf. All the colors and textures and ways to wear them...they just make me happy.  Enjoying the last of the changing leaves and a variety of scarves (not the was COLD and windy!), my friend Oz, my dog Manly, and I spent some time in Atlanta's Grant Park over the weekend.  The colors were amazing!!

Me & my Manly!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Holiday Special!!

The holiday madness is about to begin!  I know I love the seemingly endless stream of cards that start coming this time of year.  Not only do I get a kick out of hearing what family and friends are up to these days, but its fun to see the yearly photo updating me on new family additions,  engagements, marriages, growth spurts of the younger kids, hair styles of the older kids, or simply the smiles brought on by life.

I'd love to help you create that special picture you'll be sending out to everyone you know. For only $45 you'll have a half an hour sitting at a location of your choosing inside the Atlanta metro area.  I will create an online album of the session where you can select one photo to be fully edited and saved in high resolution on a CD for printing.  For an additional fee more pictures may be chosen.

Contact me at to book your sitting today!  Special holiday price lasts through the month of November.

**Think of all the gifts you can create! Not only will you have a great photo to print, frame and send to the parents or grandparents, but you can also create your holiday cards, thank you cards, wall calendars, mugs, mouse pads, ornaments, etc.  Shutterfly is having great sales on their products and they are so easy to make!

Keep in mind that editing photos and delivering the CD with images may take several days. So plan ahead! Special good through the month of November.

Holiday Special:
1/2 hour photo session
1 fully edited photo
CD  with high resolution photo for printing

$20 for each additional edited picture - added in high resolution to CD

Friday, October 15, 2010

From 8 weeks to 8 months...Time flies!

In dog years, Manly would be starting kindergarten about now...they grow up so fast! Its hard to believe that he has been part of my life for almost 6 months, and yet even harder to believe that he used to be smaller than his robust 7lb size he is today. A comical joy, my Manly McQueen has brought me many smiles and cuddles and I can only imagine the what the next 6 months holds.

Check out the rest of his pictures here

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Short and Sweet

Surprises are often sweet, and Eryn's new short coiffure was just that and in need of documentation.  Of course I would like to start the debate on which is cuter: Her hair, or her smile.

Sunny Outlooks

The other weekend was bright and sunny.  And so was the weather :)  I had such a lovely time shooting Trina as we absorbed as much sun and laughter as we could in between camera clicks. We took so many pictures I seem to be taking forever to get through them all. Keep checking in to the website as little by little I will post more.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fabulous Ladies, Fabulous Shoes

What girl doesn't love shoes? What girl doesn't love a lot of BEAUTIFUL shoes!? Yeah, I haven't met one that doesn't either. If you haven't found Burju Shoes yet...well now you have. You can thank me later :)

The ladies from Atlanta's dance group Proyecto Barrio definitely had no complaints trying on and deciding which pair (or should I say pairSSSSS) they wanted to get for themselves. Here is just a taste of the good times.  Stay tuned to the website for more pictures!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bold is Beautiful

Bold dresses, bold colors, bold personalities and a beautiful sunny day turned into an uplifting photo shoot on Saturday.  Anna, Maya and Anana filled the environment with laughter and smiles as I snapped away and did my best to fend off all the passers by that stopped to gawk at these lovely ladies.  Of course we ended the session with ice cream from Jake's which really made for a lovely afternoon.  Photos will be added to the website soon!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Angles are Attitudes

Elizabeth is not a work-a-holic, but she definitely puts all she has into her job and can occasionally have looooong days at the office.  Yesterday we both got out of work early (yes!) and took advantage of the time to focus on her other, more playful side.  "Oz," as she is known to her friends, is anything but a stuffy girl in a suit.  Going through her closet was almost just as fun as going out into the city of Atlanta to do this shoot. The afternoon was filled with laughs and her saying "I don't know what to do!" (she lied...she totally knew what to do...just check out some of these pictures!)  I've only just started editing, so check out my website soon for more images.
You can also join me on FlickrFacebook, or Twitter

"Cock your hat - angles are attitudes" ~ Frank Sinatra


Friday, September 10, 2010

Trip to Denver

Over the Labor Day weekend I took a quick trip home to Denver, CO.  While my stay was short, I took the opportunity to take a lot of pictures of my adorable (no bias here...) nephew Finn and his next door neighbor Stella.  Here are a couple shots I took, check out my website for more photos :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Check out my updated website: TifLesterArt
New photo shoot with my friend's daughter Morgan, who is such a natural beauty!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Having a ball!!!!

Such a simple game and yet can be played over, and over, and over.....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Daddy's Girl

Is there anything sweeter than a tough dad becoming a mushy sentimental father? Hard to say...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Parris Family

Some good friends of mine welcomed their first child, Zaire Jasiri, into the world about 3 months ago. A beautiful and happy family easily creates beautiful and happy pictures!