
Thursday, April 28, 2011


Its funny how things come in waves.  As of late, there seems to be a baby wave.  At work, there are three pregnant woman and one who just came back from maternity leave.  Three good friends of mine are pregnant and one just had a gorgeous little girl a little over a month ago.  There is just something about that expecting mommy glow.  Its pretty dang unbelievable.  It seems to radiate out of every pore.

The first taker of our latest special, is no exception of the radiant-mommy-to-be glow.  Beth was beaming from the moment I walked in the door, and her husband really had the same glow every time he looked at her.  This couple had me smiling through the whole photo shoot.  The two of them had such a great sense of humor and it was such a joy to hear the two of them continually gush about each other.

To take advantage of our latest special, available through May 11th, please visit the website for details.

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