
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Telling your mom that you are bored, can sometimes reap benefits you didn't expect: I have an artist for a mom, so being handed an art project when "bored" was not an unusual event. I suppose that is what helped me to develop my ever evolving painting skills which I didn't really appreciate until after I graduated college.

My internship at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, in Glen Rose, TX, presented me with ridiculously amazing subjects. On my weekends I was left without a car, sitting in our intern house (more of a tin shack really...but I loved it) in the middle of a couple hundred acre pasture filled with wildebeest, ostrich, blackbuck, zebra, and Thompson's gazelle. The most I could do was drive my little Mitsubishi cart (hardly road worthy but it did take me from pasture to pasture) to visit the animals in my care (Red, Maned, and Mexican Wolves, Coati, Capybaras, an Ocelot, a goat, and a cheetah) or the neverending plethora of giraffe, rhino, cheetah, prairie chickens and other various hoofstock. I loved it. But the Texas heat made me want to stay indoors on my days off. So without cable or an escape to the city, I started to paint.

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