
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What are "knuckleprints"?

There are lots of things that I love in life. Some things I love more than others, and some things I love so much that I can't imagine ever doing without them. Animals are one of those things. The 5th graders that I teach often ask me "What is your favorite animal?" Gorillas are one of my greatest passions and would likely be an answer I would give them. I was blessed to work with them for over 7 years as a keeper, and must admit that they are probably one of my favorite species. However it is really the individual animals and their unique personalities that I have encountered that are my favorites. Several gorillas are among the mix of my favorite individuals, but it would be hard to not chuckle at the mishaps of Ichabod (the awkward giraffe who couldn't decide if he was a goat or a human and loved to steal anything out of your car), Snickers (the goat who not only helped to raise Ichabod, but numerous other hoofed species), Mac (the one eyed seal who made my first internship so much fun by following me everywhere I went), or Toean (the lovable orangutan who loved to whistle). Most of my artwork is my feeble attempt to capture their unique personalities.
Knuckleprints are the impressions in the dirt that gorillas leave behind as they walk through the dirt and mud. I've collected many castings of the knuckleprints gorillas I have worked with have made. I love having them around to remind me of not only their size and strength, but also their gentleness and humor. I hope that my artwork and sharing of stories will also leave a memorable impression.

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